Sunday, December 23, 2012

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?) And then fainted
Then there is the guard at his side, step nor had left her, Miss He Da is also busy, tense day and night! But the hearts of the men have not woke up, but also life and death hangs in the balance, how to sleep yet? Again distressed, and worried, and glad that the mood repeatedly tormented her, so, wake up seeing Mao himself tightly in his arms when she brought happiness and affection, sweetly asleep
Mao painfully hugged her, for fear of disturbing her dreams long maintained a fixed posture, prolonged forced breathing as evenly as possible and slight he hoped so, do not have any people anything to bother themselves and the arms of a woman, so until forever, Haikudanlan!
However, he slowly from fantasy into a semi-sleep state, in the water, on the seabed hear the sound, think things began to rush my mind
Mao's injury is not heavy. Situation as explosion blasting rounds landed next to him, about three meters, the water can not be compressed into powerful explosion shock wave pressure in an instant, he fainted, and also comes with tear him part of the skin this makes him the youngest rescued Devil's Island has a frightening look like, straight scared pungent bold said eldest Ningshuang, Xiangu directly fainted! actually, he was just skin tear injury and strong shocks caused internal injuries and a concussion. (medical terminology).
Given to the Guo-Liang Li pushed open the door and tapped on the door came in! Thing Urgent, can not help him not to worry, he chanced to take into account the feelings of Mao and Missy!
Mao woke up in a semi-sleep state, busy the ambiguous no position to be added, did not take into account the own pair of facial expressions is full of the henpecked Association standard expressions.
Guo-Liang Li Renzhao Xiao fact, do not want to laugh, his head filled with, immediately say things to make him crack a smile.
Four brothers, the Hong Kong Fenduo sent emergency intelligence, two British cruisers in Hong Kong to come here! However, it is rather surprising that, in accordance with the speed of the cruiser, this time we should have here, ah? Third Party certainly is can not imagine how thorough killed him would not have thought the British light cruiser is to find the weakest (will, loyalty, strength,cheap authentic jerseys, etc.) a party to strike first.
jail until the gate where a collection of guards. Damn, now can not say what humanitarian Oh, how about last night? a

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