Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Stroke after this war, you can from these two large tribes in a lot of loot, and should be able to compensate for the loss of ministries. The iron chelating led by tribal leaders rushed to Murong wind salute, The day is not yet large bright, wild geese circumference over cries loud horn trumpet sounded.
Troops in the collection. Soldiers have been eating breakfast at the urging of the trumpet, we orderly pack up tents, extinguished the fire, embers, Department of saddle horse slowly concentrated their forces under the banner of.
Blackhawk tribe of Condor flying wild geese circumference over mouth issued by the crisp sound of chirping. Looked to the ground from the the wild geese circumference over five different colors of the crowd is flowing to Camp outside pasture.
Murong wind horseback riding standing in his red eagle's face. Sternly, looking at the front of a steady stream of soldiers teams, his eyes filled with excitement, exude a surge of high morale.
Murong wind back and looked around,cheap nba jerseys, looking at the sitting on horseback Li Hong Li Hong's Panthers probably felt the coming war, unrest in situ small step to move around from time to time his head and neighs. Li Hong embarrassed kicked girth, this kid is not honest. Also nervous? nervous. Murong wind him laugh, slightly flowing, and Murong wind suddenly feel that this world is really unfair. the cowardly Tahan country many talented people, to casually seize an idiot is a genius. anti Xianbei country of great promise, he did not find one like Li Hong such young people. Tahan country talent but the country is weak, often by lack of talent decisions based on the Xianbei wanton aggression this world and perhaps it is fair, but Li Hong is a big fellow, once he recovered memories or encountered stimulus , he was to go back to this once holding a military power in the Han State,fake oakleys, Xianbei country would mean what?
Li Hong Murong wind does not know what they thought, he was still triumphant Murong wind to show off his smart, , so that the entire central the Xianbei battlefield of the initiative has been Marshal firmly grip in the hands. regardless bomb Han Shan success or failure, Marshal have been invincible. Murong wind looked at him in surprise, Murong wind appreciates the nod, The ministries estafette have galloped Chi Murong wind loudly to report that the army has been assembled.
Murong wind behind trombonist departure posture.
The heard long horn awakened the sleeping Chaoyang it slightly opened

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