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Mao painfully hugged her, for fear of disturbing her dreams long maintained a fixed posture, prolonged forced breathing as evenly as possible and slight he hoped so, do not have any people anything to bother themselves and the arms of a woman, so until forever, Haikudanlan!
However, he slowly from fantasy into a semi-sleep state, in the water, on the seabed hear the sound, think things began to rush my mind
Mao's injury is not heavy. Situation as explosion blasting rounds landed next to him, about three meters, the water can not be compressed into powerful explosion shock wave pressure in an instant, he fainted, and also comes with tear him part of the skin this makes him the youngest rescued Devil's Island has a frightening look like, straight scared pungent bold said eldest Ningshuang, Xiangu directly fainted! actually, he was just skin tear injury and strong shocks caused internal injuries and a concussion. (medical terminology).
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Hall only under two, Catherine approached the body to cling to me, the eyebrows Qingcu, not no worries authentic: unknown mysterious force, did not die I am really worried you if ... I suddenly leaned over to kiss her soft, moist lips, truncated below, long before: conspiracy Amazon one thousand of the king's throne, and, if successful,north face pink ribbon jacket, will cause immeasurable impact on the southern border troops in the battle of Caesar Empire, I absolutely can not tolerate a powerful forces out of the control of the crescent League dominating the Southern at any of my enemies massive reinforcements. Catherine see that I intended to have decided, then no longer stuck to their guns, Xiumou flashed gentle color, whispered: busy working and then notify people to stay with you okay? I quite touched b

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Song Qing River face a faint smile, and I feel quiet water, a child, he was training in painting singing, but his style is exactly the opposite Zhang small building, he does not like Meticulous and rarely draw figures bird, his most like to draw freehand brushwork magnificent landscape.
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A light blue casual robe draped over his body, the face of the Song Green River exposed elation, his high spirits, ink-like sway on paper, action, wild and fast, and small building just sheets of delicate and honest line into in sharp contrast to his essays Meticulous on the background of the impressionistic landscapes as portraits sprinkled on the painting breeze Moderate and Miles rivers and mountains, without a trace of fireworks, actually the figure of the meticulous and

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Monday, June 25, 2012

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Xiao Han's mind flashed the name of the quiet Princess Tianyan Tong Xuan mirror, turned out of space suddenly began to fluctuate up in front of the screen from the Fang Yunhua who moved to calm the body of the Princess, but Xiao Han was surprised to learn that the quiet Princess the environment, actually is not a home in Sheung Shui Village, is actually Xijing University of South Gate Night Market street!
Calm Princess, it has also to be the the Xijing city? The Xiao Hanqi strange endless. This girl is a girl stroll at the night market on, evidently, this street is already very familiar with this rate, she went to the Xijing City must have a time, and has been living in this neighborhood!
Jing Fei to the Xijing City, for so long, but living in the vicinity of Xijing University, my phone number what she know why she did not contact me? Xiao Han After much thought, but how could not think of reasons.
South Gate Night Market a few minutes away from the residence of Xiao Han, however, what is the reason to look calm the Princess, she seems a short time will not leave the south gate of the supermarket. Xiaohan Li engraved decided not to guess. Directly out asked her if she does not you can it?
Xiao Han away look through the turn volley twist Nassau in his pocket, and then quickly down the stairs, toward the South Gate Night Market. Far, he saw a familiar slim figure, in their own field of vision become increasingly clear ...
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Xiao Han went to behind quiet Fei,the north face sweatshirts, a pat on the shoulder of Princess about quiet quiet Princess looked back and suddenly was surprised:

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